Friday, July 8, 2011

Welcome to My Notepad

This is Creative Karma.

Anyone who knows about my blog for my artwork knows I mention being a writer also. Although I am not a published writer I hope to become one one day. Until that day comes I write for the love of writing. I write for myself.

To start off, I will share one of my favorite poems that I have written over the years. I wrote it originally for a poetry class in college and no one liked it. I mean NO ONE. The teacher took it upon himself to inform me that it is very difficult to pull off a poem with a metaphysical idea behind it. That it would have been for the best if I had made the poem completely unrealistic or completely realistic.

In any case, I feel he was wrong about my poem because, it's my poem. Poetry doesn't have to follow anyone's set ideals if it means something to someone.

Here is that very poem:

On Wings

Soaring through the sky with white wings
and playing the role of Superman.
Exploring the world with no
thought of time.

Floating weightlessly above the clouds
just to leave the world behind.
Not knowing where it all will end
makes it all the more exciting.

Slowly being pulled back down,
back to reality.
Leaving the dream world behind
and a solitary white feather on my pillow.


As for the rest of things, I also write stories. Some are fan-fictions while others contain original characters. I have two with original characters that I am currently working on in tandem which I will share the synopsis with you now.

Unwilling Servant

"This life was not my choice. I didn’t sign the contract on my own will. I was forced to be what I am."

Jas was your everyday american girl. She graduated college. She was simply trying to start her adult life on the right foot.

Until a secret organization came along and took her from the life she knew and forced her into theirs. A world where supernatural creatures are no longer simply citizens. They are hunters.

Now, Jas has to work for them. Killing off whomever they command her to for them to reach their goal. A world run by a powerful vampire that seeks to dominate the world.

It's up to Jas to find the way to stop them before they stop her.


The Truth of Courage

All school children go to school to learn the basics that society believes they should learn. English, Math, 
Languages, and History.

However, there is a part of history no one will accept. There are voices and minds filled with the pieces of 
history that no one listens to. Parts of history that only they know.

I hold a piece of the puzzle to the long since past. No matter what it takes, I will have my story told and correct those long ago mistakes. I will let everyone know that there is far more to me than anyone could ever dream.

My name is Nikki Robbins. And I, possess a part of history. The only way this story exists is because I still exist. I only exist because of a change in my way of life. I am a vampire.


Well, there you are. I hope you enjoy those little pieces of literature. In the near future, I will be posting the chapters of those two original stories as I write them.

Until then, this is Creative Karma now writing out my hopes one line at a time.

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